Monday, June 15, 2009

june.15th 2009

WOW we are half way through and the summer activities are heating up this week end stated with fridayloo, and evansdales "good-ol days" the parade was a wet one but that doesn't stop a bunch of kids looking for the tossed candy teats so with our umbrellas in toe off we trecked to the end of the bock to join the fun.

sat was the worlds largest mudd volleyball tournement. congrats to mindy and ryan and team members good showing you beat out a lot of teams "bumpen ugly." And a big yahoo to "smoken aces" senada,becky and all the team you did a great job of putting last years 1st place team down in 5th.

It's to bad the street dace was canceled,someting about electrcuting the guitar player due to the rain. i hope rodney and the rest of the band "wildcard" got paid anyways.

sunday was the car show and of course we all knew john would walk off with the biggest trophy:)

sat night it was chill time with a fabulas bar-b-que at dan & mels new digs guys everything was awsome.

sunaday was a lazy day i went with mom (grandma to most of you) on one of her YWCA bus trips. along with 52 little old widow ladies, to a lunch and play in dubuque. it was nice hangen with her and she was having a good day (health wise:))

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you just went on your first old ladyy bus trip!!! bwwaaaahahahahahahaha